“Thank you for choosing Cash4LCDs for your LCD Recycling!”
We are very happy to announce FREE FedEx and USPS Labels for our Vendors! Please keep in mind that we do not limit you from downloading and printing any number of labels but our minimum amount required for FREE Shipping Labels is 50 LCD’s and/or Logic Boards. If you ship less than the required amount we will deduct the cost of shipping from your final pay out. If you are a new vendor, one of our Account Managers will contact you to complete the new vendor sign up process.
If you don’t have 50 LCD’s, that’s okay! Our absolute minimum is 10 LCD’s and there is no maximum. If you’d like to self-ship that’s okay too. If you are shipping more than 200 LCD’s we recommend using FedEx. When shipping FedEx you can use whatever box you’d like, but when shipping USPS Flat Rate, you’ll need to make sure you are packaging in USPS Flat Rate Boxes.
Using our recommended packaging techniques you will be able to comfortably fit between 30 and 50 LCD’s in a Medium Flat Rate USPS box and up to 100 LCD’s in a Large Flat Rate box. You want the LCD’s to be lightly packed but not able to move around too much.
Please allow 5-10 seconds for shipping label after clicking submit.